Baby Development Milestone

Discover the amazing changes that happen each week as your baby grows and develops, from a tiny cluster of cells all the way to becoming a squalling newborn.
Once your baby learns how to pull herself up to stand, she'll be excited to learn what else is out there in the big wide world and that means taking a big step forward your baby's first steps might happen within a few days or  a few months of when she first learns to stand. But once she does, it's just a hop, skip and a jump to toddling and walking.
You should be getting it now. Your baby is no more an infant. In these weeks leading up to her first year, she is on the move and shaping up to explore her world more. She is definitely stronger and is crawling around, scooting on her bottom or doing the army move by dragging herself on her tummy with the help of her hands and feet. She can also move around on her knees. If you see your baby not crawling and instead pulling herself up and starts walking, don't be surprised. Some babies do that. Your baby will continue to babble which at this point sounds more like she is trying to hold a conversation. She is now forming her first words which usually start with 'Ma-Ma', 'Ba-Ba','Da-Da'. Expect her to start using simple phrases to express herself. In the meantime she is using gestures a lot and she will shake her head, for example to indicate what she doesn't want. She loves to clap and play games and your role is to engage her in this way to encourage her development. She will try to imitate everything you do from combing her hair and drink from a cup, to pretending to talk on the phone. You and your baby have reached a huge milestone and you have done excellently.
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